"Ming" is primarily dedicated to creating a field guide for the identification of Taiwan's unique bird sounds. We hope to introduce Taiwan's precious natural resources, especially the endangered native bird species, to a wider audience, allowing everyone to appreciate the beauty of nature and deepen their understanding and support for ecological conservation.
"Ming" is an experiential project that combines auditory and visual elements. We specifically selected five endangered native bird species from Taiwan's mid to high altitudes as the core focus, including the Machlolophus holsti, Garrulax taewanus, Urocissa caerulea, Lophura swinhoii, and Syrmaticus mikado.
The design concept revolves around using light-triggered mechanisms to activate sound and color. When flipping to specific pages, readers will hear the birds' calls, and as they turn to the next page, the storyline will gradually appear on the page under the illumination. "Ming" is a field guide that fosters interaction with the reader.
The guide employs a layered paper-cutting style to depict stories and illustrations. Flipping the pages activates the mechanism for sound and hidden patterns, allowing readers to hear enchanting sounds while reading. The significant storylines revealed by light-sensitive ink add surprise and intrigue to the reading experience. "Ming" is not just an illustrated field guide but also an interactive tool to learn about and conserve Taiwan's endemic bird species.
Peripheral merchandise includes sound-recording universal cards, allowing recipients not only to feel the warmth of handwriting but also to convey genuine sentiments through sound.
We hope "Ming" will serve as a bridge connecting people, birds, and nature, inspiring more individuals to engage passionately in ecological conservation.