在這萬物皆漲的時代下,因生活壓力,人們尋求信仰的協助,無論是求財、亦或事業生活的一帆風順等等,隨時代的遷移,漸漸成了現今社會的常態,接觸的年齡層越來越廣,影響力也隨之壯大,祈求儼然成為我們生活的一部分,而成為「人生贏家」更是大家的共同目標,因此我們創立了VICTORY MONSTER 福祿獸。
VICTORY MONSTER以「人生勝利組」為概念,並以人生五大要素「財富」、「感情」、「健康」、「人際」、「事業」為品牌中心,並藉由「蝙蝠」這個新的符號代替招財貓、金蟾蜍這些舊有的傳統符號,在中華文化中「蝙蝠」寓意「遍福」,是福氣的象徵,VICTORY MONSTER將藉由這個新符號向大眾傳達「人生勝利組」不只是建立於財富,更多的是擁有好的人際關係、健康的生活等等,顧及方方面面,縱觀全局才能創造理想中的人生。
In an era where everything is becoming more expensive, due to life pressures, people seek assistance from faith, whether it is for wealth or a smooth sailing in career and life. Praying has thus become a part of our lives, and becoming a "winner in life" is a common goal for everyone. Therefore, we have created VICTORY MONSTER.
VICTORY MONSTER is conceptualized around the "victorious group in life," centering on the five essential elements of life: "wealth," "relationships," "health," "social interactions," and "career." Instead of traditional symbols like the Maneki-Neko or the Jin Chan, it adopts the "bat" as a new symbol. In Chinese culture, the "bat" represents "abundant blessings" and is a symbol of fortune. VICTORY MONSTER aims to convey to the public that being part of the "victorious group in life" is not just about accumulating wealth, but also about having good relationships, a healthy lifestyle, and more. It's about considering all aspects and taking a holistic view to create the ideal life.